Bodies are Meant to be Different

It is an indisputable fact that humans come in all shapes and sizes, and looking around most places in public you'll see people of different body shapes, sizes, heights, etc. This is completely normal because of the ability granted to us by the unfathomable number of combinations our DNA can make. There are a vast number of genes at our disposal that can create so much variation among humans, which is beautiful the same way a vast field of flowers of all different colors, shapes, sizes, and textures is beautiful. Unfortunately, because of white supremacy, a majority of people place more value on certain aesthetics. White supremacy has gripped the earth with harmful ideas that position white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, thin, and abled bodies as supreme. These ideas must be unlearned, discouraged, and resisted. 

Human life is a highly valuable thing and a person is not better or superior because of how they look.  Humans come in all shapes and sizes and this should be celebrated rather than detested. Unfortunately this is easier said than done because of how pervasive white supremacy is globally. All around, media and advertisements are constantly pushing the idea that if a person does not look a certain way then they need to change how they look to try and fit into a frankly unreachable ideal. This constant messaging that we need to change our bodies is harmful physically and mentally for millions of people. Many eating disorders arise from diet culture as well as mental health problems like clinical depression. To truly change this we must face the truth: it is absolutely normal for bodies to have higher weights and not be thin. 

Anti-fatness must be challenged and eradicated and that starts with accepting the diversity among humans. Bodies are meant to be different sizes. Small, big, thin, fat, round, straight, lumpy, muscly, short, tall, etc, etc. Every person on earth could follow the exact same diet and the exact same exercise routine and still there would be variation. This is normal, and it’s arguably good as well. Remember that the next time anti-fatness and diet culture shout at you from a joke on a sitcom or an article on your newsfeed because those ideas are based in white supremacy and end up harming us.


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