Welcome to Interconnected Nutrition

Welcome to Interconnected Nutrition, the online space for nutrition science 101, gardening tips, recipes, resources for food assistance programs, community meals and more! The mission at Interconnected Nutrition is to help individuals, families, and communities be fully nourished and thriving, together. Food is important because it provides the nutrients we need to survive but food also brings us joy, satisfaction, and a sense of community and connection to our culture. At Interconnected Nutrition you’ll find free resources to help you become fully nourished such as nutrition science information, gardening tips, recipes, cooking tips, food safety procedures, lists of food assistance programs, and more with a weight-inclusive approach that does not perpetuate anti-fatness.

In order to be fully nourished as individuals, families, and communities, we need to be completely interconnected, much more than we currently are. We need nutrition that’s interconnected in order to build systems of feeding each other that help us not just survive, but thrive. Eating is a communal activity and so is bringing food to the table to be eaten. Humans naturally rely on one another, especially when it comes to getting food into our stomachs. A single human person must rely on many other people for the food that makes its way onto their table. From the people working to grow and harvest fruits and vegetables to the people driving cross country to transport foods, there is a chain of people all working together to bring food to people’s tables. Working together is vital for feeding ourselves. Too many people try to be or are forced to be self-sustaining and that’s just not possible because humans need one another. Working together and helping one another should be embraced, not disregarded or shunned. Individualism is too rampant across the country and this leads to many issues for the mental and physical health of many. 

As a way to combat that in a climate where food prices are continuously increasing and more and more people are becoming food insecure, Interconnected Nutrition was born. Here you’ll find a way to learn about nutrition, gardening, food assistance programs but also a way to connect and create community through the monthly community meals on zoom where we talk about foods we like, share recipes, learn nutrition science, cook and eat together; sharing meals and foods as we learn and build powerful connections that will nourish our bodies and communities in the long-term.

Sign up to the monthly newsletter to be updated monthly on new blogs, recipes, and the monthly community meals online!


Weight-Inclusive Nourishment